by Barry Stokes, USA Triathlon Level II Triathlon Coach
I know how to workout, but I don't know where, when and how to fit workouts into my life to get the best from each effort. That's what I hired you to do. A top quality coach will ask the Coached Athlete to provide their weekly schedule of family, work and other obligations. The coach will then build the customized training plan to dove-tail into the athlete's schedule. Should the athlete's schedule change, many times the plan can be rebuilt mid-week to accommodate the changes.
Thinkingfrom the Athlete and add the
Perform– A coach is paid to analyze workouts, strengthen weaknesses, make sense of the analytics, build and adjust plans – the athlete's job is to execute the plan, provide the metrics and communicate with the coach. The coach
thinks and buildsallowing the athlete to
execute and perform.
EBI Communication( Even Better If). With two-way EBI communication, neither coaches nor athletes need to second guess workouts, race day strategy, etc.
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